Man holding son up with one arm.

Now Is The Time To Celebrate The Male Energy In Your Daughter’s Life

In Healing You by carolynh

Life is about finding balance in this world of opposites. Chinese philosophy refers to it as yin and yang, where everything in our universe consists of two forces which are opposing but complementary.

If you stop to think about it, everything in life is balanced by yin and yang aspects. Where there is day, there is night. Where there is up, there is down. Where there is masculine, there is feminine. You can’t have one without the other.

Twice a year we celebrate the two diverse energies of Yin and Yang in our lives. This week we celebrate the Yang energy or what’s known as Father’s Day and the impact it can have on your daughter’s life.

Yang (Male) Energy For A Healthy Girl

Living a balanced life is important when raising a healthy, successful daughter. It’s important to expose her to a healthy balance of both masculine and feminine energies. Our kids learn from example and pick up on their surrounding energy. Kids see the ways mom and dad communicate with the world, and they can sense the difference.

Male energy is called the yang energy while female energy is referred to as the yin energy. Masculine energy is about ‘doing,’ while feminine energy is about ‘being.’

Traditionally, the male took on the role of the hunter and gatherer while the female cared for the children. These roles aligned perfectly with the yin and yang traits.

Another example of these distinct energies can be seen if you have ever stepped foot in a single gender school. You can feel the testosterone flowing in the halls of an all boys school. The kids are joking around, smacking each other, and are ruthless with their comments. And if anyone gets offended, you’re told to bite the bullet and take it.

On the other hand, if you walk the halls of an all girls school, you’ll hear more cattiness and gossip. There is more praise encouraged and less needling. And if someone gets hurt by a snide remark, the victim will likely get sympathy instead of being told to suck it up.

The different strengths and weaknesses of both energies play an important role in the development of your daughter. You can watch it at play with the different parenting styles of both the mother and father.

Dads approach parenting differently than moms. They tend to care less how their child is dressed, their eating habits, and how they feel. They prefer to play with their kids and challenge them with physical activities. They help their child succeed by giving them skills to compete in this world and encouraging strength. Their rough and tumble play helps a child’s coordination, physical development, and setting limits.

Fathers discipline their children by using real-life consequences, while mom is more concerned about you “hurting your friend’s feelings.”

The masculine energy is more black and white: about discrete, quantitative choices. Their focus includes being decisive, taking risks, and focusing on actions and getting things done.

The feminine energy may not have an absolute right or wrong, but a gray area in decision making. They are more about thinking it through, sympathizing with a person, and coming up with creative alternatives.

Both the male and female energies surrounding your child are equally important for both girls and boys. Having one without the other would be a shame. So the next time your husband or your father wrestles with the kids and riles them up, let him. He is bringing balance into their lives.

On this father’s day, let’s celebrate the male energy, the yang energy, and the balance it brings to your daughter’s life.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington