Picture of Carolyn Harrington

Healing: The Most Important Thing You Can Do

In Barriers to Healthy, Healing You, Mindful Healing by carolynhLeave a Comment

If you, or someone you know, is diagnosed with a significant health challenge what would you do to promote healing?

There is so much on the internet about what you can do to heal, but I haven’t seen anything about a fundamental aspect of healing that should be at the foundation of every healing journey. It is your power of choice.

This video demonstrates what effects your choices have on your healing efforts. It’s called The Barrel Effect. Take your first step in making better choices by watching!

How Do Choices Affect Your Healing?

It’s important to make good choices if you want to heal.

Have you ever gone online to do research after receiving a diagnosis from your doctor? You want to know what you should be taking or what you should be doing to heal.

You start by taking some herb or a vitamin or a drug. But nothing happens. You don’t heal even though the study you read indicated that whatever you took would help heal you. So you assume it doesn’t work. But that’s because there’s more to healing than just taking a supplement to treat an illness.

I always say medicine is a science, but healing is an art.

When you’ve been diagnosed with an illness, whether it’s an autoimmune disease or cancer, it’s probably been brewing inside you for a long time. The choices you have made in the past brought you to this place of being ill. While it’s too late to go back and change the choices you made, you still have the power to make different choices. And if you’re sick, there’s no better time than now to make those decisions.

How your choices impact your healing can be demonstrated by what I refer to as the barrel effect.

What is the Barrel Effect?

Imagine your body as a vessel such as a barrel. When you’re born your barrel is pretty empty. Your body is in tip-top shape, and you’re working like a well-oiled machine. Then as you grow, you make choices each day. Some of these choices are good, and some of them are bad. It’s the bad decisions that will begin to fill your barrel.

As a child, you’re exposed to pesticides on the playground, or maybe you wore fire-retardant pajamas laced with toxic chemicals, so your barrel starts to fill a bit, but you’re healthy.

As you grow and make choices every day, like drinking soda, eating potato chips or a lot of deep-fried fatty foods, you’re not making healthy choices.

Your barrel begins to fill even more, but you’re still healthy. As you continue to grow, you continue to make more bad decisions. Some aren’t necessarily choices you have control over, like being exposed to viruses or bacteria. But even though you didn’t make these choices, you’re barrel fills even more.

Then you find yourself in stressful situations. Like an overloaded schedule at school or at work and you feel all this anxiety and worry. Your barrel continues to fill until finally your barrel is full. And any little thing you add to it makes it overflow.

It’s at this point disease manifests itself, and you see things mysteriously begin to appear like eczema, cancer, heart disease and so many other things. Now I know there were choices that you didn’t make and had no control over, and you certainly can’t go back in time to change the choices you made in the past. But you do have the power to make better choices now.
Healing Choices: The Barrel Effect

Here’s the Key to Healing

While your barrel may be overflowing because you’re sick, it doesn’t mean you can’t drain it a bit by making better choices. If you start making better decisions that are healthier options, your barrel will begin to empty, and you start to heal.

So, now when you take that herb, vitamin, or if you need to take a drug, it has a better chance of being effective. Your body knows how to heal. The best thing you can do is get out of its way. Don’t burden your system with harmful things like environmental chemicals, smoking, too much alcohol or negative thoughts. By removing those barriers, your body will be stronger, and any of your healing efforts will be much more impactful.

Good luck with your healing efforts!

Have you experienced an improvement in your healing efforts from making better choices? Leave a comment below. It may help others benefit from the art of healing.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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