Cup of Tea with Cinnamon Sticks

How To Make A Delicious Tea That Will Help You Sleep

In Food As Medicine by carolynhLeave a Comment

As a mother of four, a business owner, and blogger, I find sleep to be a precious commodity these days. Thank goodness I don’t typically have problems sleeping. But on those few occasions I do, it’s nice to have something natural to help me fall asleep and stay asleep.

Plus, good quality sleep is crucial if you are in need of healing.

So when I couldn’t sleep the other night, I wanted a little help. I knew there was nothing in my medicine cabinet (because there never is) so I had to look elsewhere for something to ease me into a peaceful night of slumber.

The answer was staring me right in the face when I saw a box of our nighttime cough syrup sitting on the counter.

So I thought, let’s give it a try.

Ingredients In My So Delicious Nighttime Tea Recipe

With inspiration from my box of Maty’s Nighttime Cough Syrup, I decided to brew my concoction using two of the sleep aids from our product and take it that night.

It is a healthy, sleepy time tea recipe.

The result was soothing and delicious. I drank it for its effectiveness but loved it for its creamy and nutty taste.

Here is what I put in it so you can give it a try.

Chamomile Tea – It may be one of the best herbal teas on the market to help you sleep. I know it is one of the most popular. It dates back to the Egyptian times and is great to use because it is warm and helps relax and soothe you to sleep.

Organic Half & Half – (Almond and Soy milk are good alternatives) Drinking a cup of warm milk before bed has been a trusted way to help children fall asleep for generations. People swear by it even though scientific evidence has questioned its effectiveness. I thought it would be tasty to add that to my remedy.

Nutmeg – Nutmeg is a spice that has been recommended as a home remedy for sleepless nights for generations. It has a high content of magnesium and stimulates the release of serotonin, both of which helps you relax. It is best to grate fresh nutmeg to get the most from this spice. (A word of caution. Only a pinch or a 1/4 tsp is needed. Nutmeg is a potent spice. In larger quantities, it can be dangerous.)

Cinnamon Stick – I stirred the tea with a cinnamon stick because I love the taste, not to mention the extra immune boost you get from all its antioxidant qualities.

I am not a big sweet lover, but if you like it a bit sweeter, adding some honey would be a nice touch since it has been shown to help people get a peaceful night’s sleep too.

And that’s it!

So the next time you find you have a million things spinning around in your head, grab the teapot, a teacup, and the following ingredients. Don’t forget to fluff your pillow!

How To Make This Sleepy Time Tea Recipe

Cup of your favorite Chamomile tea.

1/4 cup of Organic Half & Half (whole/almond or soy) – I like to use Half & Half for its extra creaminess.

Pinch of Nutmeg – To achieve the best results, freshly grated is best.

Cinnamon sticks for stirring.

Honey – Add to taste if you like it a bit sweeter.

Make a cup of your favorite chamomile tea. Add a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg and a splash of cream. Stir with a cinnamon stick and add honey to taste.

Sweet Dreams!

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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