Parenting Hacks Successful Child

10 Parenting Hacks to Raise Successful Children

In Healing You by carolynhLeave a Comment

How much does a mother or father influence the outcome of their child’s success?

When my kids were young, I was always questioning whether I was doing the right things to help them grow up to be happy, healthy, and successful adults.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had magic wands to wave over our children, and magically they grow up to be happy, productive members of society?

Sure! But since that is not an option, are there other things you can do to raise a successful child?

Parenting Your Child For Future Success

Kids don’t come with instruction manuals when they are born. So how do we know they will grow up to be fruitful and happy? It’s simple; we don’t.

There are obvious things that help predict if a child will grow up to be a success. A child is more likely to emerge as a prosperous adult when they have a solid education, three square meals a day, and positive role models.

But are there other not-so-obvious ways you can make a difference in your child’s life? From an energy healing standpoint, the answer is yes. There is much more you can do to ensure you are raising a happy, and satisfied child.

As my kids grow older, I look back in hindsight and wish I knew then, what I know now. I believe in the power of vibrations. By resonating with what you want in life, the universe provides for you.

Everything in our universe is energy. From things we touch and feel to the intangible thought forms that radiate around us. Our world is an entangled mesh of energy waves that move all around us. And these energy waves affect us as they permeate our bodies.

If something vibrates at a low frequency, it is vibrating slow and has less energy. And if something vibrates at a higher frequency, it is vibrating much faster with more energy.

Feelings of love, joy, peace, and acceptance all resonate at higher frequencies. So they provide energy.

Feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and grief resonate at lower frequencies. They will zap you of your energy. Think of someone who struggles with depression. They will tell you they feel exhausted and have little energy to do anything.

Thoughts and feelings do have an impact on your energy levels. So don’t let them diminish the health and wellbeing of your child.

Resonating at a higher vibration gives your child a better shot at success.

Our kids can learn at an early age to focus on these positive vibrational patterns. They become comfortable resonating at higher levels. It becomes an automatic response which helps them grow up to become triumphant later in life.

10 Unique Ways To Set Your Kids Up For Success

Parenting and Limiting Possibilities

1. Don’t Limit Possibilities
Often, children express an interest in something, and their parents tell them they can’t do it. I hear it all the time.

For instance, it’s common for a child to say they want to go to Hollywood to become a famous actress or actor. Or a child announces they are going to grow up to be a professional athlete or the next Taylor Swift. There’s a slim chance to none of it happening, but the possibility is still there. Why limit your child?

By allowing your child to pursue their dreams, a positive vibrational pattern begins to develop. This pattern develops deep within your child which can generate more opportunity. Your child becomes comfortable with risk-taking, so they are more open to trying something new.

Even if it seems impossible, don’t shut down the vibrational pattern of imagining it. When your child is in pursuit of their dreams, it may not go as planned. But it may lead them down a path that is a stepping stone to a more productive, satisfying life.

Who knows? It may be something neither you, nor your child even considered. What if they pursue a career as an astronaut, but fall in love with astronomy and become a professor? Or in the pursuit of professional sports, your child discovers managing a sports team is something they enjoy.

When we limit our children, we take away possibilities and opportunities. By limiting them, it starts a pattern in your child’s mind that states, “I can’t.”

Parenting - Who Are You

2. Ask Your Child “Who Are You?”
When you ask a young child this simple question, it helps them focus on the positive things in their life. By asking them this question, you encourage answers such as, “I am smart,” “I am an engineer,” or “I am a great athlete.”

“I am,” are powerful vibrational words. They help a child stay focused on what they want to achieve. By setting a positive vibrational pattern in life, it helps attract more fulfilling opportunities. Also, this pattern helps pave the way for your child to become successful.

Parenting and Keeping Your Child Happy

3. Keep Your Child Happy
A fundamental law of the universe states that whatever feelings you are experiencing, the universe responds by sending you more reasons to feel that way.

Isn’t it better to feel love and joy to attract more reasons to feel that way as opposed to feeling fear, worry, and sadness? When you feel good, you attract more reasons to feel that way. By keeping your child happy, they continue to draw happiness into their lives.

Parenting and A Safe Haven

4. Create A Safe Space For Your Child
No one goes through life without being tested and pushed to their limit. It’s in those moments of hardship we learn and expand our wisdom. Our kids need to experience hardship to grow into rational adults. We can’t prevent difficulties from testing our children, but we can create a safe haven. By having a safe place to return to helps them cope with the hard times.

By reassuring them it’s not the end of the world, your child will learn to accept these trials. They will work through them in a grounded state of mind.

It’s better for a younger child to find out how to deal with difficult times when the situation is not so severe. So when they reach adulthood and begin to face serious problems, they are trained on how to address them. It helps them work through the ups and downs quickly and in the right frame of mind.

Parenting and Downtime

5. Give Your Child Down Time
There is so much more pressure on a child to succeed than ever before. For the most part, those days when a child could be carefree and play outside all day are gone. We as parents are pressured to put our kids into the finest schools, enroll them in the hardest classes, and attend the most active summer camps. We are always looking for activities for our kids to help them become better at what they do best.

While endeavoring to help our child succeed, we teach them to stay active. They soon become uncomfortable when they experience any downtime.

But downtime is good for everyone. It feeds our soul and helps us connect with our inner self. We learn to love ourselves. When we love ourselves, we have the confidence to do just about anything.

Parenting and Having Family Dinner

6. Eat Dinner As a Family
By eating as a family, you remain connected to your children and keep the lines of communication open. Take the time to ask them questions about their day and how they feel about events that occurred. These conversations signal to your child that they are important.

By communicating with them around the table, you hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. Children become more open to sharing with you. It also helps you get a sense for when things go awry. Sharing precious moments with your child will not only connect you, but you will cherish that time spent together forever.

Parenting and Hovering Over Your Child

7. Don’t Hover Over Your Child
Life is a journey. Let your child travel down their own path. When your child experience hardships, you are tempted to make it better for them. But this does not teach them how to handle difficult situations.

It’s always better to let them solve problems on their own. Stay close by to help them, but don’t solve it for them. Problem-solving skills help them later in life. Remember, it’s their journey so don’t travel the road for them. Let them find their way.

Parenting and Expectations

8. Expect Your Child To Do Well
Have you read the Wes Moore Story? It’s an interesting story of two young, black men both named Wes Moore. They led similar lives when they were younger. They both lost their fathers at a young age and always got into trouble. But one ended up living a successful life while the other landed in prison for life.

According to the successful Wes Moore, he claimed, “It came down to personal responsibility.” He was fortunate to have male role models in his life that expected him to do well. Kids will live up to the expectations given them. So expect your child to do well, and chances are, they will not disappoint you.

Parenting and Proper Nutrition

9. Teach Proper Nutrition
Kids develop their eating habits at a very young age. If you take the time to feed them nutritious food, they are comfortable eating that way. It sets the stage for a healthier life.

I’m stating an obvious fundamental aspect to parenting a child, but it’s too important to leave out. Watch what you train your child to eat.

Parenting and Being Present

10. Be Present For Your Child
It is more important to be there for your child than it is to be their best friend. During the early women’s movement, we heard quality time with your kids was much more important than quantity. Whoever said that must not have had a child who needed a shoulder to cry on or help them with their homework. You can’t always predict when a child needs you. Just be there for them as much as possible. Although the quality of time is significant, I believe being there at the right moment is just as important.

Raising your child is the most difficult but rewarding job any parent undertakes. It is not always easy to find what is the right or wrong thing to do when parenting a child. But by incorporating any of these ten ways, you will help your child develop into an independent, happy, healthy, and successful adult.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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