Girl saying I Love You with Emotion

I Put Words To The Test And Was Amazed At The Results!

In Healing You by carolynhLeave a Comment

There is an old adage, “your actions speak louder than your words.” Another that comes to mind is “put your money where your mouth is.” And, I bet you can finish this quote from your childhood: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but …..”

These quotes imply that even though our words are powerful, your actions are more impactful. But are they? I wasn’t sure, so I put words to the test.

Do Words Have The Ability To Change Things?

Now, with a better understanding of energy healing principles, I decided to determine if words alone can change things. What role do they play?

Since our actions carry emotion with it, can your words alone affect someone else? For example, if you use words or phrases with no emotion behind it, does it have the same effect as when you support those words with feelings?

And, what if the words stood alone with no actions, feelings, or emotions? Could words alone impact someone? What part do words alone actually play in shaping our health and wellbeing?

I believe there is a paradigm taking place. We are entering a new age. An age where understanding how our minds interact with our bodies which interact with our spirit have a huge impact on our health. We also now know the health of each individual impacts the health of the world as a whole.

We are learning new principles that challenge the old ways of thinking. Here was one principle I was ready to question for a good reason. If our words can affect other things in this world, imagine the possibilities!

The Impact Of Words

I love seeing with my eyes energy healing principles at play. It makes it so real instead of something so esoteric that we have a hard time grasping the concept. What follows is an experiment I performed on my own. It shows a fundamental principle of the connective nature of our mind, body, and spirit.

I was curious to see if our words could have an impact on life.

Do the words we speak (either positive or negative), play a role in how we grow and thrive? (Awhile back, I did a similar experiment with inanimate objects. I was surprised at those results and wanted to explore this topic further. You can check out the results here. )

We know when we are positive, hopeful and encouraging it has a huge impact on the success of another person. But when we speak of being positive, hopeful and encouraging, we think of a person’s actions and the feelings accompanying those words.

Think of a person who says something encouraging like, “You can do it!” You would hear the enthusiasm in their voice and most likely see a big smile. They wouldn’t say those words with a sad, gloomy tone. It wouldn’t work, or would it?

Or when someone says the words, “I love you,” they are often spoken with emotion and a hug to support them. You rarely hear someone saying those words in an angry, cursed tone with fists clenched.

Putting Words To The Test

The question I posed to myself was, “Is it the feelings behind the words that impact a person in a positive way, or is it the words alone that affect a person’s ability to thrive?” I also wanted to see if the words alone (with no tone or attitude attached to them) affected another living thing.

To put this question to the test, I took two things that were alive. With all else being equal, I exposed them to contradicting words. My goal was to see if there were any noticeable physical differences in their ability to thrive. I wanted to see if there were any physical effects on a living organism after being exposed to certain phrases.

So, I planted flowers in two pots from the same packet of seeds. I put the same soil in each pot and placed the containers on the same windowsill. So far, all was equal.

I then drew words and symbols on paper, cut them out and pasted then onto the pots. The first set of words and symbols were positive in nature like, “I Love You,” “You’re Beautiful,” and “Thank You.” I even put a smiley face on the first pot.

On the second pot, I used a set of words and symbols that had a negative connotation. Words like, “I Hate You,” “You’re Ugly,” and “Go Away” were pasted on the second flower pot. And to keep it consistent, I put an angry face on the second pot.

I put the pots on the same windowsill and watered them the same amount each week. And then I waited.

To my amazement, it didn’t take long before it was indisputable. The words on the flower pots made a huge difference in the flowers ability to thrive. The GIF below demonstrates the results. You can see the flower’s growth from the positive, nurturing words on the pot.

On the flip side, it was so sad to watch the flower pot with the unfavorable words. The plant was never given a chance in life. At one point, a small bud peeked through the soil of my angry pot but quickly died within a few days.

Imagine The Possibilities

As an energy healer, I look at things from an energy standpoint and how it impacts our health. I could see with my own eyes that our words carry energy with them. And it plays a major role in a person’s ability to thrive and do well.

As a mother, I think of all the kids in this world exposed to abusive language and horrific symbols. If only every mother knew the impact words have on a child’s ability to grow and thrive, they might think twice about what they say around their children.

Imagine the possibilities if we all said a few more positive, happy words each day. Imagine the impact it could have on the well-being of those around us.

Do actions speak louder than words? Maybe, or maybe not. It is no longer as important to me which is even more significant. What matters more to me now, are the words I speak each day and the words in my environment that surround me. They play a significant role in shaping mine and my family’s health and well-being.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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