healing affirmations on a cell phone

One Simple Way to Unlock Amazing Healing Every Day

In Barriers to Healthy, DIY Healing by carolynhLeave a Comment

Being in the right frame of mind has a real impact on healing. Staying confident, and believing it will happen can make a world of difference between whether you get better or continue to get worse.

But as soon as I say this, it never fails. I get that one person who tells me they are positive, but they still aren’t improving. During our conversation, they say all the right things and certainly appear to be positive.

But are they?

What happens when you are home alone? Are you just as positive? Where do your thoughts go then?

It’s easy to say the right things and be confident with people around. You’re enjoying their company, so naturally your energy is higher.

But what happens after everyone leaves? When you’re relaxed and doing nothing, that’s the real test of whether or not you are open to healing.

Daily Affirmations: Unlocking Your Healing Potential 

Don’t know if you are open to healing? Here’s a short test. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. When you think about your health, do you get scared or fearful something worse will happen? Are you fearful that whatever you have will only get worse?

2. Are you frequently thinking about every ache or pain you experience?

3. Are you obsessed with researching your symptoms or health problems on the web?

4. Do you have dreams of being sick? Do you wake up at night afraid you are becoming more unhealthy?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, your attitude may be getting in the way of your healing. So how do we change to become more open to healing?

One way is with daily affirmations. Here’s how they can shift your attitude to a more positive one to become more open to healing.

Illustration of the power of the mind

Directing Your Subconscious Mind To Heal

Let me explain it this way. We all have a subconscious and conscious mind. Everyone is aware of their conscious mind. It’s your thinking mind when you’re awake. Your conscious mind solves your problems or helps you determine what you will do next. Your conscious mind is aware of your surroundings in the present moment. It might even be thinking of the next thing you can do to heal.

Then there’s your subconscious mind. It plays an even greater role in healing than your conscious mind. Here’s why.

Our subconscious mind controls our lives because it carries out the tasks that our conscious mind tells it to do. This may sound a bit weird, but stay with me here for a minute!

Your subconscious mind has the real brain power because it is doing so much more than your conscious mind. Here are a few examples of how it’s at work and you didn’t even realize it.

Walking is a conscious act for a baby taking her first steps

Your Subconscious Mind At Work

Your brain monitors your body all the time. When you run, it’s your conscious mind that directs where you will go. But it is your subconscious mind that determines if your heart should pump harder because you need more oxygen. Or it is the subconscious mind that directs your legs to perform the act of running. You don’t have to think about it, you just run.

Another example is something we have all experienced, your first steps as a baby. Those first steps were pretty hard to take. As a baby, you had to think carefully about each one before you took your next because you had to keep your balance. This thought process came from your conscious mind.

But after a bit of practice, your steps became more fluent. You didn’t have to think about it anymore. And now when you walk somewhere, you just do it with no cognitive effort. Your subconscious mind knows how to walk and just does it.

Here’s one last example that happens to me all the time. Ever been deep in thought while driving? All of a sudden you realize you just missed your exit. Or maybe, you missed the street you were supposed to turn on because you were daydreaming or talking to someone. If that has ever happened to you, then who was doing the driving? It wasn’t you since you were far away in thought.

It was your subconscious mind behind the wheel. That’s how powerful it can be.

The message here is relatively straightforward. If you train your subconscious mind to perform healing, you heal so much faster. You need your subconscious mind to be on the same page as your conscious mind.

So how do you get your subconscious mind to be more confident and upbeat to promote faster healing? Repetition!!! That’s how.

If you repeat positive things over and over, eventually it’s implanted in your subconscious mind. That is, if your negative thoughts don’t outweigh your positive ones. A good way to do this is with daily affirmations.

My body is healthy affirmation

The Power of Affirmations

Just like when you began to walk, the more you practiced, the more you solidified in your subconscious the ability to walk. It’s the same with healing.

Plus, the more you say positive healing affirmations on a daily basis, the less time you’ll have for thinking negative thoughts that only hinder your healing efforts.

Ready to get started?

5 Easy Steps to Creating Your Healing Affirmation

1. Choose your affirmation. Since it’s about you, start with “I” or “My.” Make it your own!

2. Your affirmation should be in the present tense. Your brain doesn’t know the difference, but you will. Be confident in the way you word it. Instead of saying, “I will be healthy”… say “I am healthy.”

3. Be very specific, to the point, and keep it positive. Make it clear what you want. So, instead of a general affirmation like “I am healthy”, you can take it one step further and say, “I feel great” or “I have loads of energy.” It’s best not to mention the negative. So instead of an affirmation that says, “I will beat lung cancer,” you could say “I breathe freely and easily” or “My lungs are free and clear.” Keep it positive.

4. Remember this is about you, not others. Your affirmation should reflect that. Repeating “I am a loving and caring wife” is better than saying, “My husband is loving and caring.”

5. Keep it realistic. If you say, “I am winning the lottery this week” you won’t believe yourself. It’s not as effective if you don’t believe what you say.

Once your subconscious and conscious mind are working together, you will be a healing machine!

Continue to say affirmations to help keep you focused on healing thoughts, not degenerating thoughts that will only take you down that rabbit hole of being unhealthy.

Have you tried affirmations before? I say them every day when I wake up before I start my day. I can feel the difference it makes in my day when I say them. I bet it will have a significant impact on your day too!

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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