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5 Things To Do When You’re Surrounded By Negative People At Work

In Barriers to Healthy, Healing You by carolynhLeave a Comment

You wake up energized and ready for a new day. You arrive at work, sit down at your desk, and boot up the computer. You’re ready to begin working. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long before negative people at work begin to affect you. A woman nearby starts complaining, you’re interrupted by another co-worker, and your boss makes unreasonable demands. You feel exhausted already, and the day has only begun. Something doesn’t feel right.

It’s hard to pinpoint anything tangible that is wrong; you just become discouraged, weary, or even demotivated. It’s like someone pricked you with a pin and deflated you like a balloon. Your productivity quickly plummets.

What happened?

Toxic Energy From Negative People At Work

Maybe your scenario isn’t quite this dramatic. But working in an environment with toxic people is more common than you think. A Gallop Poll conducted a few years ago revealed that 70% of people either hated their jobs or felt disengaged at the workplace. That is a significant number.

Another study showed negative co-workers were second on a list of the top five factors that cause bad days at work.As a matter of fact, the top three were about people, not the job itself. Negative co-workers were right up there with the lack of support and absence of praise or recognition from the boss.

There are plenty of articles about how to improve your workplace environment. But they focus on the physical aspect, not the positive or negative energy. Adding plants to improve air quality or having a window to let in the natural sunlight do improve the overall experience at work. But what about the elephant in the room? The toxic energy coming from negative people?

You know the type. The co-workers who always interrupt and don’t respect your personal space. Or the people that gossip and spread rumors and are always complaining about everything.

Luckily, there is something you can do to remove the toxic energy around you. By lessening the effect negative people have on you, it can help improve your work environment.

5 Simple Ways To Remove The Toxic Energy From Negative People

1. Zip Yourself Up
Zipping yourself up is a popular energy medicine technique that helps protect you from picking up negative energy from other people. We all have an energy field around us called an aura. When we are in proximity to someone else, their energy field can blend with ours. If that person is negative, that energy will combine with ours, and we can feel exhausted, frustrated or even depressed for no reason.

If you zip yourself up, you shield yourself from another person’s energy that comes near your energy field. It’s a simple two-step motion.

1. Picture a zipper at the base of your torso.
2. Place either hand at your torso and air-zip from your torso to the top of your head.

That’s it! So simple, yet effective at protecting yourself from the energy that can bombard you from a negative person.

2. The Power Of Positive Envisioning
Take time to envision a better work environment. You can do this by setting aside time each morning before you go to work or first thing after you arrive. Think of it like a vision board that represents the type of work environment you would like.Today is gonna be a good day coffee cup

Be active in your vision and put things in your virtual surroundings you would like to have. Smiling happy faces, an office space that looks comfortable, warm and inviting. To make this exercise more powerful, as you actively envision it, feel what it would be like to work there. When you feel something, it brings it about more rapidly.

3. Set Your Intentions
Each day, take a few minutes to write down intentions you feel will improve your work environment. Begin with simple, general intentions like:

“I intend to work with happy people.”
“I intend to get my job done and feel energized when I do it.”
“I intend to find a place that feels right for me while I am working.”

Then you can move on to more specific intentions that pertain to your unique work experience. You may not see results right away, but it can be powerful if you’re diligent and practice this exercise for an extended period. Don’t focus on what you don’t want. You will see results when you focus on what you do want.

4. Play Healing Music
Listening to music can greatly impact your state of being, good or bad. When the music has calming notes, it can positively impact your mood.

When people think, they project their thoughts as a vibration like a radio transmitter would. When these vibrations are coming from a person who is complaining or saying negative things, the vibrations they project are being received by anyone around them and can detrimental to your health. That is why you don’t feel as good around negative people. It lessens your energy and vigor. Ipod on Desk

By playing music that you love, or playing calm, soothing music, you surround yourself with sounds waves that can cancel any detrimental vibrations coming from toxic people.

If you want to use music to enhance your state of well-being at work, check out music tuned to the frequency of 432 Hz. According to music practitioners, playing music tuned to 432 Hz will fill you with a sense of peace and well-being.

Never heard of this before? You can find a vast array of music tuned to 432 Hz on YouTube.

5. Watch What You Think
Words are powerful and can impact those around you. That’s why people often say watch what you say. But what about what you think?

Every thought has a measurable vibration. Thoughts are vibrational frequencies that run in currents as real as those of air and water. If thoughts were visible to the naked eye, you would see energy flow from one person to another. These vibrating currents of energy affect how we feel.

Think of it this way. We are all like radio transmitters and receivers. When you think, you are sending out frequency patterns. As you project these frequencies, others pick up on them like a radio receiver.

When we think, it’s transmitted out to everyone around us. You project those vibrations of your feelings to others. If you are thinking loving thoughts, most definitely, it will have a positive impact on people around you who are receiving them. Thoughts that are loving are positive, healing ones.

On the other hand, your hateful, stressful or angry thoughts can have an adverse impact on persons around you. Whether they know you are thinking them or not.

While we can’t control how others act around us, we have control over how we react to them. Don’t let negative people get into your head by constantly thinking about what they are doing or saying.

Take the emotion out of it and keep your thoughts positive. You will notice a shift in the surrounding energy when you do.

Make your workplace more positive and productive by removing the negative energy near you. Don’t let the negative people at work drag you down.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.– Eleanor Roosevelt

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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