Woman with baby doing laundry

Boost Your Ability to Heal With a Homemade Laundry Detergent

In DIY Healing, Healing You by carolynhLeave a Comment

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What’s homemade laundry detergent have to do with healing? Making laundry soap at home could have a big impact on your body’s ability to heal. If you’re sick, you may want to try a DIY laundry soap to boost your healing ability.

Here’s Why

Your immune system protects your body from harmful substances by recognizing and destroying possible threats. These threats to our health are called antigens such as virus, bacteria or fungi. But non-living substances such as toxins, chemicals, drugs, or other foreign particles are also antigens and pose a threat to our health.

When you are sick and trying to heal, your body’s immune system works to combat the disease. Your brain is continuously monitoring all your bodily functions to determine if changes are needed. Things like whether your body temperature should rise, more killer T-cells should be discharged, or more mucous be produced to trap foreign substances are just a few of the decisions that are made by your brain. All this work is taxing on your system. That’s why you feel more tired when you are sick.

Control Your Exposure To Toxins

To speed up any healing, you want to reduce the work required of your immune system so that it can concentrate on the real threat to your health. You can’t always control your exposure to bacteria or virus, but you can control your exposure to toxins in your home, including your laundry.

Commercial laundry detergent contains chemicals and toxins. Using a natural laundry detergent may not only help you heal quicker, but may just be enough to prevent you from getting sick in the first place.

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I love the idea of not exposing my family to toxins from the laundry. That’s why I switched to a DIY laundry soap years ago.

It’s so simple and costs only pennies per load. It was a no-brainer for me. I saw many different homemade laundry detergent recipes floating around the blogosphere. They are all pretty similar. Here’s the recipe I have been using. I found it on a blog called Being Creative to Keep My Sanity.

This recipe calls for OxiClean, but I have recently seen that this ingredient doesn’t make that much difference, so you may want to leave it out.

Since it is DIY, you can play with the recipe all you want to adjust it to your liking. You could even add a bit of essential oil like Lavender if you don’t wish to use fabric softener. They can be very toxic as well.


1.5 cups Borax
2 cups Super Washing Soda
1 cup Baking Soda
1.5 cups Oxi Clean (optional)
1.5 Bars Fels-Naptha Soap


Finely grate the Fels-Naptha Soap. Mix with all other ingredients and voila. You’re done! You want to use approximately 2-3 tbsp per load. You should be able to find all of these items at your grocery store in the laundry aisle.

Having a clean and green home is important. When you are trying to heal from a disease, that’s the time to offload your immune system so it can concentrate on restoring your health. Better yet, why bring those toxic substances into your home in the first place? Be proactive and keep them out. I love that it’s so easy to make and is gentle on your skin. Not only is it all natural, but it saves time and money!

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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