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Heal Your Life – Heal Your Body

In Healing You, Mindful Healing by carolynhLeave a Comment

How do you heal your life?

And how does healing your life impact your body’s ability to heal?

For that matter, what does it mean to heal your life?

I believe your life has so much to do with your body’s ability to heal, I wanted to start my blog with this topic.

Because if you’re diagnosed with a serious illness, most likely you have been living a life that led to your disease. If you keep living that same life you were living before your diagnosis, then it will most likely lead you right back to that same disease. Does that make sense?

So I am proposing that before you attempt any healing, take a step back. Take a look at the way you are living your life. There is some aspect of your life that led to your disease.

Are you depressed, living in fear, exhausted, majorly stressed? These are emotions that will sabotage any healing attempt.

Are you living in a toxic relationship or work in a toxic environment? Maybe you are filling your body with toxic substances? There is most likely something in your life that needs to be “cleaned up” to give yourself a better chance to heal. You may find the best medicine has to offer, but with barriers to healing in your life, any attempts to get healthy will be made more difficult at best and many times nearly impossible.

To illustrate what I mean about healing your life, I want to share this true story that happened many years ago when I was a very sick person. It was so impactful, it changed my life and changed the way I looked at my ability to heal.

One Man’s Healing Story

One night, many years ago, I listened to a story on ABC World News about a Frenchman diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. That’s certainly a grave diagnosis today, but back then, it was most certainly fatal.

His doctor told him he had six months to live.

Fearing he was going to die soon, the man cashed in all his assets and moved to the French Riviera to thoroughly enjoy the remainder of his life. He had such a good time, a year later he was flat broke and returned home where he went in for another checkup.

After many tests, this man’s doctor informs him he has pancreatitis, which is merely an inflammation of the pancreas, and is not terminal.

At this point, I wondered why this story was being told on such a prominent news program like ABC World News. With everything else going on in the world, why do we care that one man is struggling with his pancreas?

Then the angle of the story was revealed. The man was flat broke from selling all his assets because he thought he was going to die. He felt the doctor was responsible and wanted to sue the doctor for a misdiagnosis. Can you imagine that?

I sat for a moment and thought about it. I believe they missed the real story. It wasn’t about a misdiagnosis. The real story is how a man cured himself of a terminal disease by living life to the fullest.

Think About It

This man finally started living life in a way that made him truly happy. I could imagine him lying content on a beautiful beach laughing with friends. He could now afford to do all the fun things he never had time to do. He started living his life to the fullest. Whatever it was that made that man happy, he finally started doing them.

We know this man was not living a life that made him happy before his diagnosis, otherwise, why would he have changed everything?

But after he received his diagnosis (his wake-up call), he began living and doing things he enjoyed. He was living a life that produced joyful emotions and happiness.

Certainly, I am not advocating everyone cash in all their assets and move to the French Riviera. But I think the key element in this story is that when this man started living a life where he was happy and fulfilled, it was so powerful, it brought about healing on its own.

Here’s Another Thought

Think about how good you feel on vacation living your life stress-free and enjoying yourself. Vacation is a time for a break from your daily routine, but maybe it can be a time to heal as well.

Fear, worry and sadness don’t lead to healing. If you’re living life stuck inside these feelings, it’s difficult for your body to heal. But when you let go of all of that and begin to live your life to the fullest, real healing can begin.

Make A Change

So, if you are ever in a situation where you receive a bad diagnosis, don’t just keep living the life that lead to that disease. Change something in your life. Do something exhilarating that makes you ecstatic. Live happy! It may just be the catalyst that will jumpstart your healing.

I believe there needs to be a paradigm shift in the way doctors approach healing. When they give their patients a diagnosis, they shouldn’t tell them they only have a short time to live. That would only be scary and detrimental to their health. Instead, maybe they should start telling their patients to go out and enjoy themselves and start living life to the fullest. There is no better time than NOW.

What do you think? What would you do if you were told you only had six months to live? How would you heal your life?

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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