Old Horseshoe

Feeling Lucky? Here Are 4 Ways To Attract Good Luck In Your Life.

In Healing You by carolynhLeave a Comment

Lucky things happen to lucky people. But what if you aren’t feeling so lucky?

I’ll be honest. Some days I get aggravated when I see someone who seems to fall into good fortune all the time. It’s like they were blessed with a lucky charm. They appear to win every contest, land the best jobs, and have the best relationships.

It’s like there is a cloud of good luck permeating them. Wouldn’t you like some of that lucky cloud hovering over you?

But first, to draw good luck into your life, you must understand a few basic principles.

Good Luck and What You May Not Know

Your thoughts are powerful and control every aspect of your life. But most people are only aware of their conscious thoughts. They are not considering thoughts coming from their subconscious mind.

Positive thoughts attract good things according to the Law of Attraction. But you are missing out on an important concept if you are only aware of the thoughts from your conscious mind.

Your subconscious mind controls more than 90% of your life, while your conscious controls the rest.

So it’s logical to conclude that your subconscious mind has a bigger impact on attracting things into your life.

You may be consciously generating positive thoughts today. But if you haven’t been in an assured state-of-mind for the past ten years, your subconscious mind may be emanating negative thoughts. So instead of thinking, “Today is a beautiful day,” it may be emanating, “Why is everything falling apart?”

Thoughts are vibrations and vibrations attract things. So which of the two, the conscious or subconscious mind is drawing more?

Your Subconscious Mind At Work

Let’s take a look at your subconscious mind at work in your life.

Have you ever driven a car and began daydreaming or talking to another person in the car? Suddenly, you realize you missed your turn because you weren’t paying attention to your driving.

Who was driving? It wasn’t you because you were concentrating on something else or distracted by the conversation you were having.

It was you driving of course, just not with your conscious mind. It was your subconscious mind doing the work. And they are two very separate things.

What about when you see someone walking and texting at the same time? That person’s conscious mind is constructing the text message while the subconscious mind does the walking. It’s a good thing the conscious and subconscious mind work together. Otherwise, you would only be able to do one thing at a time.

Attracting Good Luck To You

So what’s the key to drawing more good luck to you?

Both your conscious and subconscious mind have to vibrate with positive thoughts to attract positive into your life.

It’s easy to keep your conscious mind positive because you have full control over it. But how do you control your subconscious mind if you aren’t aware it even exists? Or you are familiar with the subconscious but don’t know where the thoughts are coming from.

For some of us, thinking positive comes effortlessly. For others, like me, it doesn’t come as easy. I didn’t grow up watching what I thought so I could stay positive.

In fact, I grew up the opposite by always playing “Devil’s Advocate.” Whenever I made a statement, the other person would reply with the opposite scenario.

So, if I said, “What a beautiful sunny day it is.” A typical response would have been, “Just make sure you bring an umbrella.” This always brought into my awareness how bad things could be.

After years of playing this game, it became automatic for me to think negative, opposing thoughts. So my subconscious mind became filled with negative thoughts.

The subconscious mind has so many thoughts. If they are negative in nature, they outweigh your positive conscious thoughts.

If this is what you are experiencing, then your conscious and subconscious mind may be out of sync. It’s time to stop! To be effective at attracting good luck to you, you need to get both your conscious and subconscious mind on the same positive page.

There is a crucial element to this.

Your thoughts from your conscious mind make their way into your subconscious. So if your conscious thoughts are positive, then they will fill up your subconscious mind.

Many people become frustrated because they are trying to stay positive but don’t have much success at attracting luck.

What they don’t know is their subconscious may be filled with past negative thoughts that have built up from a pattern formed over many years. Those subconscious negative thoughts are canceling anything positive emanating from their conscious mind.

If you aren’t feeling very lucky, it’s time to clean out your subconscious mind. Here are four housekeeping practices to help you clean out the negativity.

1. Think positive all the time and stick with it.
The more positive thoughts you generate, the more they drift into your subconscious and push out those negative thought patterns that aren’t serving you very well. But stick with it since there may be a lot of negative junk in your subconscious mind.

2. Think positive, no matter what happens.
It’s easy to think positive when everything is honky-dory. But to attract luck, you need to get good at positive thinking when something not so good happens. There is no guarantee in life that bad things won’t occur to you. In fact, bad things will inevitably happen to everyone, which means you too. But it’s in those moments when you can make a difference. Think positive and you won’t repel any good luck that may be headed your way.

3. Create a pattern of positive thinking.
Say positive things and keep repeating them. Train both your conscious and subconscious to think positive. Each day keep repeating positive thoughts out loud. Thoughts like, “I am lucky,” “I am happy,” “More good things are happening to me every day.”

4. Write down and journal positive thoughts.
Were you ever in a ‘timeout’ in grade school where you had to write a sentence 100 times as punishment? Take that same practice and put it to good use. Write something positive in your journal each day. Maybe not 100 times, but I’m sure you could come up with five positive things every day. This is a homework assignment we should all be doing!

Like drawing, everyone can draw, but not everyone is an artist. And we all have the potential to attract good luck in our lives, but not everyone is lucky. But like drawing, with a little practice, you too can become a lucky person.

Try these four methods and see what happens. You may become the luckiest person around. If so, let us know. We’d love to hear how things changed for you.

“The Day You Decide To Do It Is Your Lucky Day” – Japanese Proverb

Good Luck!!

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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