Womans hands with lotion on the fingertips

What is the cause of my cracked, peeling fingertips?

In Healing Stories, Healing You, Mindful Healing by carolynh4 Comments

Recently, a woman was referred to me by a friend. The skin on her fingertips was cracked, peeling and she was in pain.

After multiple doctor visits, and trying various medications like cortisone creams, she was no closer to solving the problem.

She wanted to get to the root of the problem and find out if there was anything she could do to alleviate her symptoms.

As a medical intuitive, I help people identify what is causing the problem. I do a total body analysis and then suggest practical things they can do to accelerate their healing efforts.

Here is what I found.

The Analysis: Leave No Stone Unturned

Healing Step No. 1: The Analysis

After a quick analysis, it was apparent she had an excessive amount of parasites in her system. There was an overgrowth of the Coxiella bacteria and a type of parasite called Flagellates. Flagellates live in the intestine and blood of its host.

Having parasites in our bodies is normal. However, they become a problem when there is an overgrowth because your system struggles to keep them in balance.

An abundance of parasites in the body can happen for many reasons. In her case, it turns out the recent birth of her child was traumatic, and her doctors prescribed multiple medications for her. Her system was toxic from the drugs which were contributing to the overgrowth of parasites in her body.

But parasites are not always our enemy.

Parasites are scavengers that do the heavy lifting when it comes to cleaning up our world. Remember your biology lessons about ecosystems? Bacteria, fungi, and parasites are decomposers. They are responsible for decomposing waste material in our environment. Think of a dead body. This world would be littered with them if they weren’t decomposed.

Problems arise when parasites are out of balance in your system. In this woman’s case, they were way off. I believe the bacteria and other parasites were attracted to the chemicals in the medications.

Add to that a traumatic experience with the birth of her child and you have the perfect storm for an overgrowth of parasites.

Unfortunately, the doctors were only treating her symptoms and not identifying the underlying cause of her problem. Their diagnosis was that she had a severe nickel allergy. She may have the allergy, but that wasn’t the cause of her dilemma.
Detox Your System

Healing Step No. 2: Detox Her System

Eat Clean

My first suggestion was for her to begin detoxing her body and then boost her immune system.

To detox, she should start by eating as clean as possible. Implementing a clean eating diet would help because her body wouldn’t have to work so hard trying to break down unnatural, processed foods and other toxins.

If your body is overworked breaking down bad things you just put into your system, it will have little energy to work on anything else you have going on in there.

By eating clean, your body uses much less energy to digest the food which will leave more energy to combating the little critters that were bothering her.

Want to learn more about clean eating? Lexi’s Clean Kitchen has a great blog that will answer many of your questions. It’s called Clean Eating:101.

Flush Her System

My second suggestion was to have her drink 32 -50 oz. of warm water right after she wakes up in the morning to flush out her system. She should do this a half hour before she eats anything too, so her body has a chance to flush everything out before putting something back into it. Cleansing her system would help open up her elimination channels.

In addition to drinking upon first waking in the morning, she should stay well hydrated all day long. Hydration is a key element in keeping your immune system strong.
Tea Tree Oil

Healing Step No. 3: Combat The Parasites

Using An Antimicrobial

Now for the parasites. Since tea tree oil is a powerful antimicrobial, applying it directly to the source of her problem can help alleviate the parasites.

And, since I am the founder of a company that manufacturers natural health products, I told her she would benefit from my since the oils closely resemble the natural oils on our skin, so they have a healing effect when applied.

The ointment was specially developed to be easily absorbed into the skin, so it makes an excellent delivery system for the tea tree essential oil too.

By adding some tea tree oil to the baby ointment, she could boost her immune system.

I recommended she try putting it on her fingertips and the bottom of her feet. If you’re wondering why I suggest the bottom of her feet, you may want to read my article on !

Doing A Parasite Cleanse

The final step involves a parasite cleanse. However, a bit of patience is in order first, so she does not overwhelm her system and cause additional problems.

She should continue to eat clean and use the tea tree oil for a while to let her system calm down a bit. When the problem seems to be easing a bit, she could look into doing a parasite cleanse. There are many good parasite cleansing products on the market. A knowledgeable clerk at your local natural food store can help you pick one that is right for you.


Remember; your skin is the last line of defense when your system is trying to eliminate something from the body. If elimination is sluggish or impeded, it will attempt to get rid of waste through the skin.

By offloading the amount of work her elimination system has to do, her body can concentrate on combating the parasites and relieve her symptoms of peeling fingertips.

Are you struggling with a medical challenge? Want to try a different approach? Maybe I can help. Email me and we can schedule a time to chat.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington


    1. Author

      Hi Tara,
      How can I help? If you would like to email me, maybe there is something I can do for you. – Carolyn H.

  1. Ok, what was the outcome? Did this fix the woman’s problem? How long did it take her to run through these steps? Has she been cured of her peeling and cracked fingertips? And, if following these steps has worked, how long has she been free of her problem since following this?

    1. Author

      Hi Aaron,

      As a medical intuitive, I help people identify what may be going on in their systems that is causing their problem. I offer different approaches to what they may be hearing from other professionals. The purpose of this post was to let others know what came up as possible approaches to healing this woman’s cracked and peeling fingertips. However, it is up to the individual to actually carry it out. Unfortunately, in this case, I have not spoken to this woman to see if she actually did any of these tactics. If I do, I will let you know.

      If you know someone who is suffering from a similar condition, and would like me to try to help, let me know. I would be happy to try. – Carolyn H.

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