Shower Melts

The Best DIY Shower Melts You Need For Your Congestion

In Healing You by carolynhLeave a Comment

When you feel achy and tired from a cold or flu, the warmth of a hot shower can be soothing and comforting. The steam helps clear up annoying nasal congestion. Want to know how you can make your shower even more efficient at clearing up your congestion? Experience a semi spa-like remedy with my all natural vapor rub made into these simple DIY shower melts.

I’m always thrilled when someone gets creative with my products and discovers a new way to use them. Recently, a blogger used our vapor rub to make DIY Eucalyptus Shower Melts. The eucalyptus aroma from the steam in the shower quickly clears your nasal passages to help you breathe again. They are simple to make and easy to store away for the next time someone in your family gets that bothersome stuffy nose.

When I first developed my natural alternative to Vicks vapor rub, I based it on a traditional home remedy that had antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. I used potent essential oils that bolster your immune system to help you get over a cold or flu faster.

But I also included soothing tones of peppermint and eucalyptus to clear up nasal congestion. Making a shower melt with Maty’s vapor rub, like the one at The Homespun Hydrangea, is a skillful way to enhance the properties of the essential oils.

I loved the idea, so I wanted to try it. I got a chance to use it last week. My son was frustrated because he was so congested he couldn’t fall asleep. He had to keep his mouth open to breathe and was very uncomfortable with his dry mouth. So I took out one of the shower melts I made and put it in the shower for him.

It worked great! While he was grateful, I was happy I could help him clear up his congestion.

Here is the recipe for the shower melts. Thanks Katie for sharing!

Homemade Vapor Rub Shower Melts


Mini Ice Cube Tray
3 Tablespoons of Maty’s Vapor Rub
1 Cup of Corn Starch
2 Tablespoons of Water
Mixing Bowl
Blue and Green Food Coloring (optional)


1. Place the vapor rub and corn starch in a bowl. Stir often until the vapor rub mixes with the corn starch.

2. Add two tablespoons of water. Continue to stir until a thick paste forms. If you need to add more water, add a splash at a time.

3. (optional) Add a drop of both green and blue food coloring and mix well.

4. Take the paste and press it into your ice cube tray. If you want larger cubes, use a full size tray. Pack it well. Place the cubes in the freezer for about 20 minutes.

After the cubes have firmed up in the freezer, they are ready to use. Just pop one out and put it on the floor of the shower before you get in. The warm water will melt the cube and you’ll breathe in the soothing vapors of the rub and clear up your congestion.

Note: This recipe for Homemade Vapor Rub Shower Cubes: DIY Home Remedy originally appeared on The Homespun Hydrangea. Check out our partner who specializes in DIY projects, thrifty and vintage inspired living ideas, kitchen creations, and life hacks.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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