Open windows letting in fresh air for a healthier home.

Why You Need To Slow Down To Heal Faster

In Barriers to Healthy by carolynh1 Comment

Life is fast-paced.

Think about it. Technology has placed everything at our fingertips. Fast-food restaurants are everywhere. Society is conditioning us to be impatient.

Even when we are sick, we are impatient. Everyone wants to take a pill to suppress symptoms so they can get on with their busy lives.

But not so fast. That’s not how healing works.

If you continue to only suppress symptoms, you’re not actually healing. Therefore, it could take forever! In the long run, you’ll heal faster if you slow down and give your body time to heal.

Keep Calm and Heal

Keep Calm and Heal

As an energy healer and medical intuitive, I’ve been helping people heal for over 15 years. You know what I’ve found?

People are impatient.

They don’t want to know why they are sick or how to get better. They just want to feel better, now. If you want to suppress your illness and cover up symptoms, then a pill is your answer. But remember, it’s only temporary.

The problem may still be brewing inside your body since you haven’t taken the time to heal. What’s worse is if you do take that pill, you load your system with toxic chemicals and drugs. Now it’s even harder for your body to recover.

You may not feel sick, but the illness is still there, and it may be gaining strength. Your illness could resurface anytime you least expect it. And it could manifest itself in another form.

If you want to heal, you need to slow down.

Actual healing takes longer for a reason. By not covering up the symptoms, you can discover what is causing your illness. Then you can develop ways to help your body heal.

You are truly healing.

What Does It Mean To Heal

What Does it Mean to Heal?

When you are sick, your body gets overloaded. It’s trying to get rid of disease-causing agents like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and chemicals.

That’s why it’s helpful to gain insight as to what is causing your illness.

With true healing, your body needs to detox disease-causing agents.

With healing, nutritional elements may need to be resolved by supplementation to achieve balance.

With healing, unhealthy emotions are illuminated, supported, then expelled. Emotions can be negative energy to an already overloaded system.

With healing, you won’t have to settle for whispering, “I’m in remission.” You can stand boldly and shout, “My body is healed!”

But remember, it all takes time.

purple onion representing layers of weakness in the body

A Metaphor For Healing

Imagine our bodies as onions. When you peel an onion, you expose many layers that can be peeled away. These layers represent weaknesses.

The younger you are, the fewer layers you have. But as you age, you continue to add layers of weakness to your body. And if you do nothing about it, you can become ill.

But if you take the time to expose each layer, heal it, and strip it away, then you can move on to reveal the next.

As you keep repeating these steps, your health gradually improves. Until one morning, you wake up and realize, “I feel better!”

It’s a simple formula that works.

It doesn’t matter what disease or sickness you have; the strategy is always the same.

  1. Expose a layer of your weakness.
  2. Identify the disease-causing agents.
  3. Support any weaknesses you uncover.
  4. Detox any unnatural elements from your body.
  5. Strip that layer away.
  6. Repeat.

Woman walking on sand illustrating the need to take healing one step at a time.

Healing One Step At A Time

I often tell people, your health is never at a plateau. You are getting better, or you are getting worse. Even if you don’t feel it, there’s a battle going on inside your body every day.

The goal is simple. Be consistent and take steps to make you feel better. It doesn’t matter what you do but always listen to your gut. You know what’s right for you.

With so many unique healing therapies and techniques available, you can try different ones. See which treatment resonates with you and go for it!

No healing goes to waste. Doing something is better than nothing. You should be taking steps toward your ultimate goal. Even if they are baby steps, you are still progressing which will help you heal.

Good health is always within reach. As long as you stay positive, have faith and keep moving forward. Be patient. The day will come when you wake up one morning and realize you are feeling better. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington


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