Unlocking The Secret To Healing

In Barriers to Healthy, Healing You, Mindful Healing by carolynhLeave a Comment

What if you could unlock the secret to healing?

Picture this scenario: Two people suffer from the same condition. They receive the same medical treatment. One lives, but the other one dies.


To be honest, I don’t have the exact answer to that.

But what I do know is there is so much more to healing than just treating your illness with the latest drug or even the best alternative treatment.

While we would be in the dark ages if it weren’t for medical advances based on science, it can only take us so far. Our bodies are capable of healing on their own. You just need to learn how to tap into your healing ability.

This is where healing becomes an art and is why I began writing about “The Art of Healing.”

Medicine is a Science.

As a lover of science, I love technology and appreciate the value that science provides by giving us state-of-the-art medical procedures, creating life-saving medicines, and offering alternative treatments. These all help people overcome serious illnesses.

Where would we be without surgery, anesthesia, or even turmeric? (We would be in the medical dark ages.)

But let’s get back to my initial question. “Why does one person recover while the other one dies from the same terminal illness?” Let’s delve a bit deeper into what it takes to heal. This is where the process of healing crosses over from being just a science, to becoming an art.

To illustrate this, I’d like to share a story with you about an encounter I had with a woman while waiting in line at the store.

A Woman and Her Husband

While waiting in line to return some merchandise after Christmas, a woman behind me struck up a conversation.

She asked what I did for a living, so I told her I was an energy healer and I also developed all natural health products.

Then she asked if I had anything for someone who has cancer. I said I was sorry but I don’t. Then I asked her why. Did she know someone who had been diagnosed?

She said it was her husband.

So I asked if it was serious.

She replied it was stage four colon cancer. Then she continued to tell me how he was taking turmeric because it has been shown to cure cancers.

I said taking the turmeric was good, but there was so much more he could be doing. I have seen and heard of so many people who have cured themselves of cancer. What else was he doing?

She replied that he was a heart doctor who was very stressed. He never takes a day off from work because his patients desperately need him. He eats terribly and is overweight.

I thought to myself, “honey … that turmeric isn’t going to do a darn thing.” Her husband needs to heal his whole self, including his life. Then maybe he has a chance at living.

Taking some turmeric isn’t going to do it alone. So, I told her to contact me, and I could help her figure out if there were other things he could be doing to help him heal.

My first thought was he could start by taking a vacation to unwind, relax and have some fun!

Sadly, she never contacted me.

Healing Is An Art.

Science involves studies. When a study comes out that shows turmeric can cure cancer, it doesn’t tell us the other things people do (good or bad) to impact their healing efforts.

I don’t know of any medical study that shows a 100% success rate in any treatment it was studying.

That is because science can only take us so far. Then healing becomes an art. And what works for one person, may not be the right thing for the next.

Things like the loving care a person receives when they are sick impacts their healing efforts. Or the fear that overwhelms a person when they are first diagnosed is a huge detriment to a person’s healing efforts. Or a simple change to a person’s diet, so they eat cleaner hugely affects their healing success.

Unfortunately, these things are hard to measure because we never know exactly what is needed to heal since we all lead different lives.

We are all individuals with unique past circumstances, unique physical characteristics, and unique lifestyles. We have free will and are the sum product of all the previous choices we’ve made in our lives.

So, why then, do we think the same treatment would heal everyone the same?

Unlocking The Secrets Together.

My mission with this blog is to unlock the secrets to healing. I will present practical things you can do as well as explore different approaches that promote healing in ourselves.

Together, let’s make a difference in our lives, so any treatment we do receive has a better outcome.

I always tell people everyone can draw, but not everyone is an artist.

We all know how to heal; it’s an innate ability we all possess. Not everyone is a healer, but with a little practice, we can all become better at healing ourselves.

Let’s work on it together.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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