Watch What You Think

4 Reasons Why You Should Watch What You Think

In Barriers to Healthy, Healing You by carolynh6 Comments

Words are powerful and can impact those around you. That’s why people often say watch what you say. But what about watch what you think?

From the moment we open our eyes, our thoughts are nonstop. We never stop thinking. Has it ever occurred to you that thoughts affect your wellbeing? What about what others around you are thinking?

Every thought has a measurable vibration. Thoughts are vibrational frequencies that run in currents as real as those of air and water. If thoughts were visible to the naked eye, you would see energy flow from one person to another. These vibrating currents of energy affect how we feel.

Think of it this way. We are all like radio transmitters and receivers. When you think, you are sending out frequency patterns. As you project these frequencies, others pick up on them like a radio receiver.

These thought currents are all around us. We can’t hide from them. And they can have a dramatic impact on our health.

Watch What You Think. Here’s Why.

Thoughts Affect Your Energy

1. Thoughts Affect Your Energy

If something vibrates at a low frequency, it is vibrating slow and has less energy. And if something vibrates at a higher frequency, it is vibrating much faster with more energy. So it makes sense if our thoughts are vibrating at a higher frequency, we have more energy.

Which thoughts vibrate at a higher frequency? As it turns out, feelings of love, joy, peace, and acceptance all resonate at higher frequencies. So they will energize you.

Feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and grief resonate at lower frequencies. They will zap you of your energy. Think of someone who struggles with depression. They will tell you they feel exhausted and have little energy to do anything.

Thoughts and feelings do have an impact on your energy levels. So don’t let them diminish your health and your wellbeing.

Thoughts Impact Others

2. Thoughts Impact Others

When we think, it’s transmitted out to everyone around us. You project those vibrations of your feelings to others.

If you are thinking loving thoughts, most definitely, it will have a positive impact on people around you who are receiving them. Thoughts that are loving are positive, healing ones.

On the other hand, your hateful or angry thoughts can have an adverse impact on persons around you. Whether they know you are thinking them or not.

I help people by identifying ways to improve their health and jumpstart healing. Often I find their negative thoughts affect them in a significant way. The frustrating part is when I evaluate someone who is not experiencing negative thoughts. It is someone who is close to them. The person who needs healing is receiving negative thoughts without even knowing it.
Emotions Block Healing

3. Emotions Block Healing

I gain insights into what can help my clients during their evaluations. I offer guidance on what they can do to improve their health or get them back on the path to healing. More often than not, emotions come into play. For whatever reason, they are struggling with feelings that block their healing. These emotions generate thoughts in their mind.

I can’t tell why their emotions block their healing. But I do find by “detoxing” someone of these negative thoughts, healing begins again.

I once evaluated a young boy who was experiencing terrible stomach pains. This poor boy had seen many doctors. They couldn’t pinpoint the exact cause of his suffering. He even underwent surgery. But nothing seemed to help.

After his evaluation, I discovered he was dealing with severe stress which was affecting his stomach. The stress was the result of parental pressures. He was able to begin healing after we detoxed him from the stress.

Law of Attraction

4. Law Of Attraction

Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? I do. If so, then watching your thoughts is crucial to better health. I believe that you attract into your life what you project out to the world. That’s what the Law of Attraction is all about.

To attract good health into your life, you must think hearty thoughts. Imagine yourself as whole and healthy.


It’s relaxing to take a moment and think. But if you don’t understand the consequences of your thoughts, it may not be as healing as you think.

Take time for yourself to relax and think. Just be sure to make it positive so it will be worthwhile!

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington


  1. Only Scripture could say this better. This well-written article should be posted on everyone’s mirror. Good job!! Thank you for the reminder of how to treat more than myself good. Blessings to you & all who reads your suggestions.

    1. Author

      Thank you for the kind words! Yes, our thoughts are just as powerful as the words we speak.

  2. This is so true. When I get bothered over any situation, I speak “Peace” to myself – even if it’s a headache. I actually feel a dense of calm take over. It’s truly wonderful.

    1. Author

      So glad you enjoyed the post…. We should all speak “Peace” more often! That sense of calm can be so healing…

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