Ever since you were a child, your Mom has been there to help you heal when you were sick. Why not return the favor this Mother’s Day? Give your Mom a gift that enhances her health and wellbeing. Help her discover the amazing power of energy healing techniques or boost her already honed skills with these nine terrific Mother’s Day gift ideas.
9 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas For Healing
1. Guided Meditation
Is your Mom curious about meditation but doesn’t know where to begin? Or maybe she’s been meditating for years but is looking for some new techniques. Anyone who suffers from anxiety, sleeplessness or stress can benefit from the practice of meditation. Guided meditations help you become more mindful which can impact your life in a positive way.
There’s plenty of guided meditations and apps available online. Here’s one from MindBodyGreen by Charlie Knoles to help get Mom started!
2. Energy Healing AudioBook
We all have the innate ability to heal ourselves. If your Mom wants to delve deeper into learning the art of energy healing, there are audio books available to guide her on her journey. To help her start tapping into her own healing capacity, Hands-On Healing AudioBook can provide her with an in-depth training course in energy healing. Dr. Bengston will guide her every step of the way.

Image: The Spruce
3. Feng Shui Crystals
Widely used for specific energy, or vibrations they bring to your home or office, feng shui crystals can be used for many purposes. From healing to protection to decoration in your home. When giving feng shui crystals as a gift to Mom, don’t forget to tell her to clean them. This resets their vibration so they are more receptive to their new owner and new home. Have her place them in good energy areas like her dining, living room or main entry table and let the healing begin. This article describes the Top 10 Feng Shui Crystals to help you choose the right one for your Mom.
4. Bach Flowers
Bach Flower remedies are wildflower essences developed by Dr. Edward Bach for treating negative moods and emotions. They are made from flower essences and are completely safe. Anyone can use Bach Flowers, even children. If your Mom could use some of the positive energy from these essences, there are 38 flower remedies to choose from. My favorites are Rescue Remedy for stress and Rescue Sleep to help you fall asleep.

Instagram/Moon Juice
5. Moon Dust To Elevate Body, Beauty, and Consciousness
Give your Mom some healthy living edible wellness called Moon Dust from Moon Juice. They offer stress balancing herbal supplement blends your Mom can add to her nut milk, coffee, tea or even blend into her favorite smoothie. They are made with potent organic and wild-crafted herbs, adaptogenic plants, and bioactive minerals to work synergistically at the deepest levels to enhance her beauty, brain, body, sexual energy, sleep, and spirit.
6. Chakra Gemstone Jewelry
Since our energy can be affected by good and bad influences, why not surround your Mom with positive energy? Chakra jewelry goes back to ancient India where they often prescribed stones, metals, or precious jewels be worn in close contact with the skin. Look for high grade, high vibration jewelry to promote an uninterrupted energy flow and help establish balance.
7. Tabletop Water Chime
It seems we can’t get away from the noise these days. But you can add a soothing sound to your environment. The sounds that come from a table top chime can be psychologically relaxing. The chimes can be very subtle but provide a gentle soothing sound to drown out disrupting noise. A floating bell strikes the fixed bells to create a soft and mellow effect. Find one your Mom will fall in love with on Amazon.
8. Energy SourceBook
If your Mom loves to read, this Energy SourceBook by Jill N. Henry will open her eyes to the unseen world of energy all around us. The first step to understanding and channeling your personal energy is by becoming aware of it. This book helps you discover how energy flow is a source of health, prosperity, and happiness. A great way for your Mom to tap into her personal energy to discover self-healing and transformation.
9. Essential Oil Candles
Combine the aromatherapy of essential oils with the flickering flame of a candle and Mom will instantly relax. Candles have been used for thousands of years as symbols of celebration, mourning, calming, spirituality and the soul. Did you know the flame on a candle is a great focal point for meditation and reflection? Bath & Body Works carries a line of aromatherapy candles so you can pick up your Mom’s favorite stress relieving scent!
Not sure if your mom would like any of these Mother’s Day gift ideas? Try giving a gift card for healing treatments. Look for local spas that offer energy healing techniques like relaxing massages, reiki or reflexology sessions. Or how about a tapping session if she feels she has past trauma she wants to put behind her. You can even get real creative and find a floatation therapy center or a hyperbolic oxygen therapy center in your area and give a gift card for that. Your options are endless.
No matter what gift you choose, I’m sure the best gift you could give is your time spent with her. I know as a mom myself, that is what I cherish most.
We hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Peace and be well,
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Products — a line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington
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