Healing - Woman holding her hands over her chest.

What To Do When Troubled Times Drag Your Energy Down

In Barriers to Healthy, Healing You by carolynh2 Comments

Do you feel like we’re living in troubled times? I know I do. With so much negativity surrounding you on a daily basis, it’s difficult to stay positive. It’s like trying to weather a storm. Don’t let negativity drag your energy down.


Courtesy Ray Asgar

I saw this picture the other day and it had a huge impact on me. Imagine if you were the owners of this house. My first thought was those people must have been praying really hard!

Wouldn’t you like to have the strength to weather any storm? The power to stay standing when all around you is rubble?

You can be that positive beacon in troubled times. And you should be. Because let’s face it, negativity is not conducive to your health.

And if you are trying to heal, your thoughts can have a negative impact on your health. Thoughts such as “this world is out of control,” can lead to feelings like worry, fear, and anger.

Not only that, what you focus on is where your thoughts go. Where your thoughts go, your energy goes.

For instance, if you think about your finger, your energy will go to that finger. Try it. Most likely you will feel something in your finger if you do it long enough.

If you only focus on the bad things that are happening around you, that’s where your energy goes. Why feed those negative thoughts your energy? Wouldn’t it be better for your energy to go towards positive events by shifting your thoughts to them?

Why waste your thoughts on negative when you can be thinking positive? 

Don’t Sabotage Your Healing With Thoughts

You could be doing all sorts of things to stay healthy or heal. Maybe you take high-quality supplements. Or you exercise from dawn until dusk and your diet consists of fresh, organic foods. All of this might not matter if you are sabotaging your efforts with so many negative thoughts.

In fact, I often find negative emotions are the missing piece of the puzzle when I evaluate people. That’s because emotions can block your healing efforts.

So, how do you stay positive in this crazy climate of negativity? Here are a few suggestions to help you keep your energy on the positive side of life.

TV with unhappy face

1. Break Up With Your TV

Turn off your TV. This might sound obvious, but it’s one of the most important steps you can take. With so much negativity on the news, your system is bombarded. This negative influence feeds into the feelings of insecurity and loss of control. Don’t let TV drag you down the road of negativity.

woman with headphones laying on couch

2. Turn It Up

Instead of watching TV, listen to your favorite music. Music is a vibration. If you listen to uplifting music, that vibrates at a high frequency it energizes you. But if you listen to music at a lower vibration, it lessens your energy and vigor.

We respond to music by resonating with it.

When my daughter, Maty, was in the hospital after her surgeries, I worried about her being distracted by all the lights and noises. So I drowned out the commotion with soothing music. I remember playing Kenny Loggins “Back to Pooh Corner” over and over again. At the time, I didn’t understand the impact of music. But knowing now what I do about energy and vibrations, I believe it played a huge role in her healing.

Woman enjoying sunshine streaming through window.

3. Give Thanks

Stay positive by giving thanks in all you do. After waking up, sit quietly and think of everything you are grateful for. Write down at least five things that made you happy yesterday. I try to this every morning. Honestly, the days that I do take the time to do this, I feel my vibrations rise. Since it makes me feel so positive, I get all giddy inside!


4.Envision Protection

Take time to meditate or be mindful. Envision protection by seeing a white light surrounding you and your family. This is a powerful exercise you can do each day. It gives you peace of mind knowing you are doing something to protect your family.

the fun never ends

6. The Fun Never Ends

Whatever it is that makes you happy, do it. Play a game, go to a movie or have coffee with friends. Having fun and enjoying life goes a long way in keeping you positive which raises your vibration.

Be That Positive Beacon

I believe we are living in some very volatile times. Emotions are running high, and people are hyper sensitive to the smallest comments. There are crazy things happening all around us.

Don’t let these troubled times zap your energy.

Believe things will get better. Stand your ground and be that positive beacon among the chaos. Be mindful of your thoughts and stay positive. This will prevent you from absorbing all the negative energy.

This will help you be the calm you wish to see in the world!
Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington


  1. Thank you so much for these wonderful thoughts. I’ve just been knocked back down with bad blood test results so reading this helps to put things into the right perspective. My results could be worse. I can work on it. It’s not the end of the world. By changing my attitude I can improve. You’ve shined a light in my day today. Thank you.

  2. Thank you Carolyn for these pragmatic solutions for this important, trending topic. It may be a reach for some to wrap their mind around some of the following concepts. We all know how our perspective creates our experiences. If possible, contemplating on a few concepts may be helpful: we are in an evolutionary shift for the soul, through the power of the imagination we may image-in that which we want to see- understanding our potential to create the life we want through our attitudes and beliefs, realizing we are the ocean in a drop, we are the Light, we are Divine- grace is a request away- faith is substance and can move mountains, our souls create experiences for us to grow- it is a free-willed sphere so the choice is ours yet it always comes with consequences – the manifestation of our thoughts, dropped into feeling, creating emotion – energy in motion, setting atoms to come together to deliver what we focus on and back with deep feelings- and finally we are incredibly powerful beings who are here to remove all veils and blocks to love. Joyous blessings of gratitude to one and all!

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