Woman experiencing trigeminal neuralgia pain

Trigeminal Neuralgia: What could be causing my pain?

In Barriers to Healthy, Healing Stories, Healing You, Mindful Healing by carolynh2 Comments

I recently ran into an old friend who I hadn’t seen in a long time. She looked great and appeared fine, so I was a bit surprised when she told me she was going in for surgery the following week. She went on to tell me she had excruciating pain because she had Trigeminal Neuralgia.

It was so intense, she couldn’t brush her teeth or speak during an attack. It wasn’t constant, but the pain would hit with a vengeance, then subside for a bit. Her doctor told her it was chronic and that it could worsen or the pain could become constant all the time.

I felt so bad for her. So, I asked if she wanted me to evaluate her energy to see if there was anything that could help her situation, and especially help alleviate some of the pain.

Here is what I found by tapping into her energy.

Conventional Diagnosis: Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia is a nerve disorder characterized by severe facial pain that can last for years or for a lifetime. It can cause abrupt electric-shock-like facial pains in the lower face and jaw. It afflicts around 200,000 cases per year in the US. It is most common in women over 50.

According to conventional medicine, it can’t be cured. Treatments include medication, injections, and surgery.

My friend is not your typical unhealthy individual. She stays healthy by following a vegan lifestyle and keeps very active.

She elected to have the surgery that will insert a “cushion” around the nerve to relieve any compression that was aggravating it.


So I evaluated her and here’s what I found. There were two main causes.

My Energy Evaluation Part I – Stressful Emotions

When I evaluate someone, I do it from a holistic perspective of energy. During my evaluation of her, I found that the primary cause had an emotional element to it.

I explained to her that our emotions are interesting. If you experience good and happy emotions, they can help you heal. But if you experience bad or depressing emotions, they can contribute to more disease.

But when the emotions you experience are stress, combined with terror, it can have a profound negative impact on your health.

Stress caused by a dramatic situation acts like a lightbulb that you just turned off in your system. It can throw your system off anywhere in your body. Then it has a domino effect. Once one thing is hindered from working correctly, it can set off other triggers. You begin a downward spiral.

The stress doesn’t have to be the kind that is occurring at this very moment either. It can linger from your past too.

For instance, if you experienced a stressful situation years ago, it may have thrown something off in your body. From that point on, whatever part of your body was affected no longer works optimally. This is when the first domino fell.

However, our bodies have coping mechanisms. If one part of our body is not working up to par, another part of our body will work harder to try to compensate.

Of course, this puts more stress on that part of the body that has to work harder, so it becomes overburdened. Now you have two parts of your body that are majorly stressed and strained, which puts additional hardship on a third part of your body. So, that third part of your body starts to get exhausted and its functioning is diminished.

You get the picture. The dominos are falling over one-by-one.

My Energy Evaluation Part II – Food Triggers

A second contributing factor to her pain had to do with her food choices. In my friend’s case, since she had a lot of dietary restrictions, she felt she wasn’t getting enough protein in her diet. She decided to supplement by drinking a protein shake each morning. She told me she had just started using a protein powder shake a few months before.

So I checked the ingredients in the shake and they seemed healthy. However, that didn’t matter, she was sensitive to it. Maybe there was a chemical or preservative in it that was causing a hyper sensitivity in her nervous system. It manifested as an aggravated nerve along her face, which is called Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Food sensitivities can wreak havoc on our systems. They are hard to pinpoint because they manifest in all sorts of ways. For one person, it may be a digestive problem, for someone else, it could show up as a circulation problem. In my friend’s case, her nervous system was affected by the protein powder shake and resulted in the pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

By removing the protein shake from her diet, she stood a better chance of recovering from this extremely painful condition.

The Wrap-Up
Sometimes peeling back layers of illness can help identify triggers that hinder your healing process. It’s like taking those dominos, picking them up one-by-one and setting them back into place.

In this case, it was a stressful situation that began the disease process. Then, combined with her food sensitivity, her load was too much, and extreme pain appeared.

Dealing with her emotions, and changing her protein shake would be great first steps in alleviating her pain.

Are you struggling with a medical challenge? Would you like to try a different approach? Maybe I can help. Contact me today to gain insights as to what may be blocking your healing efforts.

In truth, love, and healing,
Carolyn Harrington

Carolyn Harrington


  1. Janet Cobb,, I had this when in school,it was terribal. Mom fed me candy,I was sickly.but to much candy.i ended with bad teeth plus severe pain.as life went on I was loaded with stress. I got hold of eft after many yrs. I’ve tried it,did good on small things,but not budge on any big ,deep ones

    1. Author

      Hi Janet, What did you do to finally get rid of the pain?

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