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Energy Healing and Seizures. This is What I Found.

In Healing You by carolynhLeave a Comment

If you’ve ever watched someone have a seizure, you know it’s frightening. But to experience one is downright terrifying.

This past month, two young women suffering from seizures requested I complete an energy evaluation on them. Their episodes appeared to come out of the blue and for no apparent reason. It scared them and their loved ones. They didn’t understand what caused their seizures or why they came on so suddenly.

In both evaluations, there was no history of any brain disorder in either of the women. What made it more peculiar was their doctors were not able to find anything wrong with them. So, the doctors did what they knew best; they medicated the women.

Both women were prescribed medication to help keep them out of harm’s way but medicating as a permanent solution is not the best option. Taking the time to uncover the heart of the problem is a much better alternative.

So what do you do when your doctor doesn’t know what is going on? If you don’t want to take medication and “live with it” for the rest of your life, try an energy reading.

Health conditions arise when some action or function in your body stops working optimally. To heal, you need to address any disturbances that come up. Energy healing considers the power of the mind, body, and spirit. It also complements and supports other methods of healing.

After my energy evaluation of the two young women, here is what I found.
Your Brain and Seizures

Your Brain, Electrical Signals, And Seizures

Your brain controls how your body moves by sending electrical signals. These signals go from your brain, through your nerves, to your body. Seizures begin when there are changes to your brain’s electrical activity.

Remember, our brain has a daunting task of monitoring everything in our body to keep us healthy. If a part of our body becomes weak, it will work hard to alleviate the situation.

But there are only so many resources in our bodies to draw upon to heal. If there are multiple weaknesses, something has to give. It’s at this point in your system you may see a manifestation of a problem appear out of nowhere.

That is why it’s crucial for your body to always be in a healing state. This helps remove as many barriers as possible to healing. So when an attack does happen, your body has the strength and resources to alleviate that threat.

I found that in both seizure cases, there was a weakness in their neurological system due to a sensitivity to something they were eating. The weakness that resulted had something to do with the neurotransmitter signals being affected when dealing with pain.

Sensitivity in this respect is not necessarily the same as an allergy. An allergic reaction causes an immune response by producing antibodies called immunoglobulin IgE. Sensitivity may put a strain on a body part where it can no longer function optimally. It may weaken your whole system.

In the first case, the woman had a sensitivity to soy products. This allowed viruses and bacteria to accumulate in her neurological system.

For the second young woman, it was a sensitivity to various nuts and MSG. This sensitivity caused a weakness in her neurological system.

So in both cases, there was a sensitivity to something aggravating their neurological system.

Seizures and Food Sensitivities

Healing Your Seizures

If you’ve been to the doctor and severe brain disorders have been ruled out, check for sensitivities. It could be something you are eating or an element in your environment that could be invading your system.

If you can remove the exposure to the sensitivity, it may help. While it may not take away the seizures immediately, your body will have time to heal itself. This will contribute to reducing the frequency of seizures or make them go away altogether.

In the meantime, it’s important to be diligent about what you are eating. By eating clean, healthy foods, it helps to boost your immune system. Drink plenty of water to help with the electrical signaling of your neurological system. And get routine exercise to help oxygenate your body to boost your immunity even more.

You may also want to seek out an alternative health practitioner such as a chiropractor or acupuncturist to help strengthen the neurological system and any neurological messaging through your spine.

If you suspect a sensitivity to something you are eating or a negative environmental influence, contact me. I can test your energy to help you pinpoint the culprit.

Our bodies are capable of being amazing problem solvers. When we remove barriers to healing, our bodies can remedy the situation and heal on its own. Sometimes, we just keep getting in its way.

In truth, love, and healing,
Carolyn Harrington

Carolyn Harrington

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