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Is Broken Heart Syndrome Real? An Energy Healer Explains.

In Healing You by carolynhLeave a Comment

Some say Debbie Reynolds died of a broken heart the day after her daughter, Carrie Fisher passed. We’ve all heard touching stories about someone dying, and how their loved one passes away after. People often say, “they died of a broken heart.”

But did you know the heart can be affected even if it’s not that traumatic of an event? There are many ways our hearts are affected without us knowing.

The medical profession defines a broken heart syndrome as a temporary heart condition brought on by stressful situations like death.

But can there really be a broken heart syndrome?
Red Felt Broken Heart with Stitches

What is Broken Heart Syndrome?

Conventional medicine describes broken heart syndrome as a surge of stress hormones caused by an emotionally stressful event. It is a chemical reaction.

From an energy healing standpoint, it means something else.

Our hearts are located at the energy centers of our body. While we think with our minds, we feel with our hearts.

When you are watching an emotional scene in a movie that is sad, you don’t feel it in your head. You experience a massive swelling near your heart that can almost take your breath away.

That surge is your heart chakra. It is the fourth of seven chakras, located in the middle of your chest. This chakra handles our ability to give and receive love. The heart chakra is our connection to the universe and one another. If our minds use logic and reasoning, our heart taps into feeling and intuition.

When a traumatic life event occurs that involves a connection to another person(s), it affects our energy at the heart center.

While it would be a stressful event if you were in a car crash, it wouldn’t necessarily affect your heart center. But if a relationship with a person you loved dearly were suddenly severed, it would be a traumatic event that would directly impact your heart.

A traumatic event affecting your heart will evoke strong negative emotions like sadness, anger or jealousy. These emotions generate negative thoughts as opposed to positive thoughts like happiness, love, and gratitude.

Negative Energy
Everything in our universe is energy. Even our thoughts are vibrating frequencies that project from us. So, if our thoughts are negative, we surround ourselves with frequencies of negative emotions.

And our bodies don’t care for negative thoughts since they aren’t health promoting.

But if we think happy thoughts, we invite healing because we surround ourselves with positive frequencies. That’s why I often say you should watch what you think!

Noxious Energy Engulfing Your Heart
Your body is intelligent. It knows if you continue to generate negative thoughts, it could be detrimental to your health. Your body doesn’t want you thinking negatively by surrounding yourself with harmful frequencies.

Instead, your body will tuck that emotion away somewhere in your body, so it doesn’t permeate your entire system. If it’s an emotionally charged event dealing with relationships, it often gets lodged somewhere near your heart.

Think of it as a ball of noxious energy engulfing your heart. This energy can affect your heart physically too. Sometimes the emotion of a traumatic event is so intense, like the death of a spouse, it generates enough energy to bombard the heart and disrupt it. But most times you may not feel it right away, but it weakens your heart.

Think of it like water running down a stream. If debris falls in and lodges in a localized area, it forms a dam. The flow of water is obstructed and stagnates behind the dam. When this happens, it accumulates a build up of algae and debris. The same goes for energy around your heart. It stagnates and hinders the flow of blood to the heart which allows disease causing pathogens to accumulate.

This build-up can cripple the health of your heart.

When a loved one dies, it’s such a traumatic event it can trigger an emotional overload. If the energy from these emotions is not released, the energy can get lodged around your heart which can affect you physically.

From an energy healing standpoint, broken heart syndrome can be caused by the build-up of negative emotions. But there are many ways to release those bottled up emotions. That’s why I’m working on another post on how to extract impacted emotions to help you heal.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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