Little girl rubbing her eye

How To Get Over A Cold Fast With These Sure-Fire Ways

In Barriers to Healthy, DIY Healing, Healing You by carolynh2 Comments

“Mommy, I don’t feel so good.” Have you heard those words lately? If you haven’t, then you’re one of the lucky ones because it’s cold and flu season. Dripping sniffles, raspy coughs, and projectile sneezes are all too familiar this time of year. If your child is sick, wouldn’t it be nice to know how to get over a cold fast?

Is there anything you can do to lessen the severity and shorten the duration of a cold or flu? The answer is – YES!

But first things first. Timing is crucial. If you want to try something, do it at the first sign of a cold or flu. Anything you try is much more effective if you get to it early.

Your child is sick because a virus or bacteria has penetrated their system. The earlier you do something, anything, the more likely you prevent any microbes from hijacking your child’s immune system and disabling it.

There are a few things that help shorten the duration of a cold or flu. The best part is they are safe, natural, and you can do them at home.

BTW, these strategies work for Mom and Dad too!

How To Get Over A Cold Fast: 6 Sure-Fire Ways

Remove Sugar From Their Diet

1. Remove All Sugar From Their Diet

Sugar cripples the immune system for approximately three hours after eating it. Sugary drinks or foods prevent the immune system from doing its job to fight off the infection.

Research from the University of California shows how dramatic sugar impacts our immune system. Students were placed on a regimented sugar-free diet. Then they were given sugar. Their metabolic markers for disease and chronic conditions spiked for hours afterward.

When your child is coming down with a cold or flu, they need a fully equipped army within their bodies to defeat those nasty invaders. Don’t tie one arm around the back of their immune system by giving them sugar!

Hydrogen Peroxide In The Ears

2. Hydrogen Peroxide In The Ears

Most colds are due to bacterial infections. For bacteria to survive, they must enter a host to prey on. The common orifice that microbes enter the body are through the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

Studies have shown that bacteria frequently invade our bodies through the ears. Especially when you feel the lymph nodes swollen in the neck just under the ears.

Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) is a safe, all natural way to fight infection and disable bacteria to neutralize germs. This is why it is used to treat a wide variety of common illnesses.

Administer a few drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide into the ear. It will work at once. It is a safe way to kill off the bacteria. Many people swear by this method to shorten the duration of colds.

To use hydrogen peroxide, place your child’s head on a pillow with one ear facing up. Place three drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear. It’s normal for your child to hear crackling noises. Wait a few minutes and put a towel next to the ear as they get up. Let the few drops from the ears drip onto the towel.

Then repeat for the other ear. Do this every few hours until they feel better.
Let The Fever Do Its Job

3. Let The Fever Do Its Job

Fevers are our body’s natural defense against infectious agents. A fever makes the body less favorable to viruses and bacteria for replicating, which is temperature sensitive.

Our grandparents knew this, but somewhere along the line mom’s began to believe a fever was dangerous for their child and would immediately try to lower it.

When you lower your child’s temperature with medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, you are hindering your child’s ability to fight the infection. A better strategy to quickly fight the infection is to raise their temperature. Or at least leave the fever be so it can do its job.

The thing to remember is that fevers are rarely dangerous. A fever would have to exceed 105 or 106 degrees to cause concern. If this happens, consult your doctor and put a cool compress on your child’s forehead.

Have you heard of The Artificial Fever? I’ve done this on my children when they were sick, and it worked to shorten the duration of their cold. I would give them a short, warm bath and bundle them up in blankets after to heat their body. For adults, you can even drink a cup of tea while in the bath to spike the fever.

Another benefit of not lowering your child’s fever is they will get some much needed rest. By artificially reducing the fever, your child will temporarily feel better and begin to play. The body is still trying to fight off the illness, so not getting the rest they need is detrimental to healing.


4. Starve A Cold And Fever

A sick child is a tired child. There is a reason for that. Their bodies are hard at work fighting the infection.

If you give your child something difficult to digest, it expends a lot of much needed energy. Things like beef stew, pizza, or a 6 course meal requires resources to digest the food. Resources which would be better allocated to fighting off the infection.

Instead, keep food away from your child if they are not asking to eat. If they get hungry, give them something simple to eat like an orange or broth. The broth is much more soothing and will help them overcome their illness quicker.

Maty's Organic Children's Cough Syrup

5. Take Your Immune Boosters

As a manufacturer of one of the best immune boosters on the market, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Maty’s All Natural Cough Syrup and Maty’s Organic Cough Syrup.

I get so many testimonials from Mom’s who say their child not only slept better after taking Maty’s cough syrup, but they felt better!

That’s why I add 10 immune boosting ingredients to every spoonful. To get you feeling better, faster. Since it’s all natural, you have nothing to lose in giving it to your child at the first sign of the sniffles.

6. Make A Garlic Cocktail

Garlic has a sulfur compound called Allicin. Allicin is a potent antimicrobial agent. The most efficient way to get garlic into your system is by crushing it and placing it under your tongue. But, with its strong taste and smell, it’s one of the most challenging ways to give it to a child.

Try mixing the garlic with Maty’s All Natural Cough Syrup or Maty’s Organic Cough Syrup. Since the main ingredient in Maty’s is honey, it masks the flavor of the garlic. You can even mix it in your food processor so the garlic becomes really fine.

Another way is to prepare broth and make a garlic soup. Add antimicrobial spices like thyme, oregano or sage and minced garlic. A pinch of sea salt might be good as well. (Note: Add the garlic five minutes before the end of cooking to preserve the nutrients.)

So, next time your child shows the first sign of a cold or flu, try these natural sure-fire strategies.

If you have any strategies on how to get over a cold fast that have worked well for you, leave a comment and let us know. We love hearing natural techniques that really work!

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington


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