Woman sitting with her head down looking distraught

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy When It Comes To Healing?

In Barriers to Healthy by carolynh1 Comment

We all strive for optimal health and wellbeing. But health is a vast continuum, somewhere between “I feel awful” and “I feel fantastic.”

I’ve energy tested many people to help them gain insights into their health issues. People often wonder why they aren’t as healthy as they could be, or why they aren’t healing faster. After so many of these evaluations, I noticed a common theme appear over the years.

It’s our inner conflicts and struggles.


Inner Conflict: When the Rope Breaks

Many outside influences can affect your health on a daily basis. Toxic exposure to chemicals or a stressful job can impact our health. But have you ever thought there might be internal forces affecting how you feel each day?

Dealing with inner conflict is one of the strongest negative influences on your health.

Think of conflict this way. Picture a rope that’s pulled on both ends. The pressure and tension make the line weaker. If the pressure from both ends becomes too high, it snaps.

That’s what I found when I evaluated a friend last week. For the sake of this healing story, I’ll refer to her as Jan.

Jan asked if I could find out why she was having so many health issues. It was one heck of a year. She was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism. But that was only the beginning. She also had an inner ear infection, Epstein-Barr Virus, and Mononucleosis.

Then she had a panic attack. She knew this was her wake up call. Something was wrong. After multiple doctor visits and no answers, she didn’t know how to move forward.

She came to me for help.

After tapping into her energy, I identified inner conflict as the culprit. Other issues emerged, but they were only secondary. Her inner conflict was causing her health to deteriorate in multiple ways.

In Jan’s case, the conflict arose after something had happened to a particular person in her life. What happened? I don’t know precisely. But whatever it was, it caused mental anguish to this person. Either Jan or this other person was agonizing over the situation and felt dejected, lonely, and upset.

Inner conflict can cause significant stress to your system. It shackles your immune system. And when your immune system is weak, symptoms can appear out of nowhere.

Life is unpredictable. We all face controversy in our lives. The best thing for Jan was to confront and deal with her past situation. She needed to resolve any contention that had developed.

But how do you resolve inner conflicts?

The first step is to name it. What is your real battle? What is the internal force you are struggling with? To help guide you, I’ve listed conflicts I’ve observed in others. They may help you pinpoint your internal conflict.

Struggling With Your Identity

Deep down in your heart, you know who you are. But sometimes you’re not willing to let others see your true self. It creates feelings of shame or fear. Fear of exposing secret lives and desires or sexual identity fall into this category.


Conflict With Others

This conflict involves others who have hurt you. It creates negative feelings like hurt, anger, and resentment. An example of this conflict is when someone says something hurtful about you or treats you badly.


You know you shouldn’t be doing something, but you do it anyhow. Or you avoid doing something you know you should be doing. Either way, this often produces guilt and worry. An example of this is if you drink or smoke too much, or maybe you feel you should be treating your kids better, but you don’t.


Different types of conflict can be hostile to your body. They produce negative feelings like guilt, fear, worry, and shame. Healing with negative emotions circulating through your body is hard.

Let’s imagine your life is a beautiful pond. As the season’s change, debris such as twigs, branches, and leaves get into your pond. Think of them as your emotions.

To keep your pond clear from debris you scoop the debris out. But if you don’t take care of your pond, the debris will eventually sink to the bottom. On the surface, your pond looks clear and beautiful again.

But the debris is still there. And since life is unpredictable, the water will eventually churn and stir up old debris.

Your pond is no longer bright and beautiful, and your health is adversely affected.

By revealing your inner conflict, you take the first step in your healing journey. It may be the key to your healing that was missing. It can keep you on a path to better health and wellness.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington


  1. Hey there

    I’ve just come across your website in my quest to heal RA and what I have just read on your ‘Facing your inner conflict’ page has resonated with me immensely. I’ve battled (see there you go!) RA for 8 years now, and transformed my diet 2 years ago to that of GAPS and more recently AIP. I now know after reading your blog that it’s truly time to focus on my naughty inner mind and heal that. Thank you so much for sharing your story as just a few minutes on your site has taken me forwards in an immeasurable way! I shall of course be following your blog … 🙂

    Warm wishes

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