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Don’t Panic! Here Is What You Can Do After A Scary Medical Diagnosis.

In Healing You by carolynhLeave a Comment

I hope you are not reading this because you received a scary medical diagnosis. But if you are, my guess is you feel like you received a devastating blow.

But don’t panic. You have more control over the outcome than you think. There are things you can do to overcome a serious or terminal illness.

The first thing is to come to the realization that our bodies are masterfully created and know how to heal. By believing in that premise, you are already ahead of the curve.

Your Medical Diagnosis: Fear of The Unknown

People are frightened by the unknown. Think of a scary movie where the actor is walking alone through the woods in the dark. It can be frightening, to say the least. That’s what it feels like when you are suddenly diagnosed with a terrible illness. You feel like you’ve been thrust into the darkness alone, not knowing where you are going or what lies ahead.

But by understanding the healing process, it may not seem so scary after all.

By the time a person is diagnosed with a terminal illness, the disease process has been in place for a long time. It didn’t just pop up out of nowhere.

There is so much happening inside your body all the time. Your body is hard at work digesting the food you eat, fighting off any infections, and monitoring your heart rate and temperature. All that effort takes up an enormous amount of resources just to keep you alive and functioning properly.

So, just like any CEO of a company, your brain manages the resources and allocates them where they are needed most. Does it need to attack that pathogen that just invaded your body? Did you just begin exercising and need more oxygen to do better? Your brain is mitigating things of this nature all the time.

When a disease presents itself, it’s because the total load on your system has become too demanding. There simply aren’t enough resources in your body to handle the extra burden.

Sometimes, you receive warning signs like an obese person who develops diabetes. But most of the time you aren’t that lucky. If you don’t receive any notice, it seems like the disease just suddenly appeared.

The key to healing when you have been given a bad diagnosis is to offload your system so adequate resources can be allocated to heal your body. In other words, remove the barriers blocking your healing.

What Are Barriers To Healing?

During my holistic health training, I listened to an Andrew Weil healing series podcast. From this series, one concept stuck out the most. It was the idea that we have barriers to healing. These barriers which we allow or create can prevent any healing from occurring.

This concept was an ‘Aha’ moment for me.

If you have a scary medical diagnosis that is chronic or terminal, you must have some large barriers to healing. These barriers must be demolished before moving forward on your healing journey.

Even if you don’t have a serious illness, being aware of these barriers and removing them when you realize they exist can play a crucial role in preventing disease.

I practice this all the time to prevent disease. For instance, if I overindulged by overeating on vacation, I don’t continue to eat that way when I get home. I know by continuing to overdo it would be a huge barrier to my healing. I adjust my eating habits until I begin to feel better again. That barrier to healing just collapsed.

But if you’ve already been diagnosed, your barriers must have been in place for some time. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be faced with the disease.

What are the obstacles to healing? And more importantly, what can you do to break down the barriers once you realize they exist?

Breaking Down The Barriers
Of course, it matters which treatment you choose to undertake to overcome your illness. There is quackery out there. But there are many roads to healing too. No one healing method can claim 100% success rate.

What makes a huge difference in any treatment you select, is removing the healing barriers. By eliminating the obstacles, you improve your overall success.

Here are six huge barriers to healing and what you can do to remove them.

Barrier #1: Being Stressed and Overworked
Maintaining the right balance between work and leisure time is crucial for a healthy life. Stress is a major obstacle that keeps our body functioning in overdrive. Think of the fight-or-flight response. When your body is stressed and overworked, it’s like you are running from a threat and never stop.

Remove the threat by maintaining a balance in your life. Have fun or take the time to relax. Laugh a lot! Enjoy life. It will help your body rejuvenate and heal.

Barrier #2: Poor Diet
Stop eating what’s not good for your body and start eating healthy. Eat clean! There are many diets to choose from that are healthy. There is no one size fits all approach to eating. It’s about eating clean and finding what makes you feel good.

To eat clean, means you eat fresh foods. Foods that are alive and filled with enzymes and nutrients. Steer clear of the overcooked or processed foods depleted of these healthy nutrients. And avoid foods that contain the added chemicals and preservatives.

Eating food that is right for your body is an important element to your health. If you have a food sensitivity, it weakens your body, and its ability to function properly. Food sensitivities are more common than most people think. They are not necessarily food allergies either. They are more emotional in nature and are a burden on your body.

I experienced a food sensitivity to dairy products during the years I suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. Whenever I ate foods that contained dairy, I was stricken with pain in my joints. By refraining from it, I removed that barrier and made it easier to heal from my rheumatoid arthritis.

Barrier # 3: Lack Of Movement
Our bodies are designed to move, not remain stagnant and lazy. It seems with every new modern convenience; we are required to do less physical work. That takes a toll on our body.

Not only do we become out of shape but body fluids become stagnant like lymph fluid and blood. Think of it as a dam in a stream. The water behind a dam becomes murky and filled with microbes. Your body would need a lot of resources to get your body fluids flowing freely again. That would be a huge task that can require a lot of resources before it attempts to heal anything else in the body.

Barrier #4: Negative Emotions
When you are first diagnosed with a serious illness, you are ambushed by the feeling of fear. Releasing that emotion can have an enormous impact on the success of your healing.

But negative emotions don’t have to be intense; they can be subtle and still have a detrimental impact on your health. Negative emotions are like black clouds circulating through your body wreaking havoc and blocking healing on so many levels.

In fact, I believe every disease stems from a caustic emotion that has been allowed to permeate our bodies but never properly released.

There are many ways to release negative emotions that cripple your healing. One way is by working with a practitioner experienced in helping you to release emotions.

Barrier #5: Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
Your body needs the proper tools to function at its peak performance. Without the proper levels of nutrients, your body will find it difficult to do any of its many tasks. Get a comprehensive vitamin and mineral panel done by a qualified practitioner. This simple test will help find any deficiencies that may be preventing you from healing.

Barrier #6: Eliminating Toxins In Your Environment
Having a healthy home is important to achieve optimal health. Energy in a healthy home promotes healing and rejuvenation.

It is hard to keep a house clean if someone is constantly throwing junk all around. That is the same with our bodies. If you are constantly adding more toxins to your environment, exposing yourself to chemicals and contaminants, your body must eliminate them from your system. This takes a tremendous toll on your system and requires many resources. They are resources that could be used for healing any disease. Clean up your environment, stop exposing yourself to toxic products while cleaning, bathing, or using beauty products. This all adds to the overall load on your system.

Identifying your weaknesses is a crucial step if you want to heal.

Don’t panic if you or your loved one has received a scary medical diagnosis. Remember, our bodies know how to heal. We just need to get out of its way and let the healing begin. By eliminating any barriers to healing, your journey will be more successful and more pleasant. What began as a scary medical diagnosis, could wind up being your wake-up call to healing.

Peace and be well,
Carolyn Harrington
Founder of Maty’s Healthy Productsa line of natural & organic health products made from whole food ingredients
Carolyn Harrington

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